Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What is next?

Wow...what a historic night last night was.  It is a different feeling when your candidate of choice does not win.  Do I believe America made the right choice in electing Barack Obama? Not really, but it is the reality of our nation.  It is now time to join together as Americans and take care of the issues at hand, the economic crisis, Iraq, energy dependence, etc.

I have no doubt that Obama will be one of the best presidents in history or one of the worst, there will be no in between for him and his administration.  Honestly, I am very excited to watch it unfold.

I was not surprised in the least to see Obama win.  Republicans have been in control of the white house for the past 8 years, its the natural cycle of things in government.  Republicans should take this time to refocus the goals of the party and putting in place fresh leadership.  I am positive that the next election will be the introduction of a new invigorated republican party, one ready to attack the needs of the greatest nation on the planet.

As a Christian, I will obviously view politics differently than any non-christian.  It is imperative that we, as christians, band together and hold our leaders to a new level of holiness.  We will not accomplish that through bashing our leaders, or being apathetic in the political world.  We do it through love.  Biblically, that is the only way the world will know for sure we are christians, the love we show for one another.  Since God is love, He is the source, true love is not found outside of Him.  I am saying all that to say I believe these next four years can be great years for the church, if we will push to it.  If we will seek justice and freedom, living holy lifestyles I believe the Lord will give the church favor.  He did it for Daniel and Babylon was changed.  This may make me sound like a fool to you but if possessing hope makes me sound foolish you can have fun watching America go down the toilet...I'm going to fight for it.

In conclusion,  I did not vote for Obama, but I am eager to see what is next for the nation.  If you think a move of God will be stopped by a nation's leader, it will only happen if you do not pray.  I am hopeful for our nation and I am stirred like never before to see justice prevail and freedom protected.  Thanks for reading...comment all you want : )


A Wondering Wanderer said...

I agree w/ everything you say! Preach it sistah!!! Definitely the part about the church and Republican leaders! Sorry I can't offer a more original Love you!

Carly said...

Well spoken.

Kristen said...

Has nothing to do with your post but I love ya!

Michelle E. said...

Well said, Julie! I'm on board. I didn't vote for Obama either, but I'll be the last one to say that I want to see him fail. I want America to succeed, to thrive, to continue to help those in need. I have different ideas than Obama on what those things look like, but through the local church and standing firm with other believers, I believe Christians can still move forward in love and accomplish these goals.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff! Can we christians begin to act more out of love. It is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance. The way some christians are acting amaze me. Just makes me think"Do they really believe Jesus would act like that?".

Fisher said...

gooood stuff. and well said. im with ya.

Pop Pop said...

Interesting comments...I am impressed. Having voted in 10 presidential elections, I have come to the following basic though somewhat pessimistic conclusions:
1. I have voted against a given presidential candidate more often than I have voted for one.
2. The president of the United States will never please everyone.
3. The president does not need to please everyone, but he/she must be able to articulate his/her positions.
4. Today the real legacy of a president is his federal district and supreme court appointments.
5. The willingness to admit a mistake is inversly portionate to the level of power or the level of the office held by the perpetrator.
6. Doing the right thing is not always popular. It takes a true leader to do the right thing even when the popular opinion is against him/her.
7. Doing the right thing for the future may be painful in the short run. A true leader has a long term perspective and short term empathy.
8. Electing a president every four years severely resticts a leader's willingness to make long term decisions.
9. There is a standard for right and wrong. A president who understands that the standard is more than the latest poll results is a real leader.
10. Unfortunately too often today politics is another word for compromise.
11. Inately we desire to trust and follow elected leaders.
12. All in all, this is a wonderful country and still inspires people to achieve great things and perform great feats without regard for personal gain or recognition.
13. and finally, a few flakes that stick together can create an avalanche.

lins xo said...

Love it. So proud of you. You will have such a powerful voice in this arena. Until then, I will follow you're little blog, then what you say in Time magazine :)