Thursday, October 2, 2008

I've Been Bored With Current Events

There have been a couple things that I have been putting off writing about.  First, the economic crisis and secondly, the presidential debate last week.

I have put off writing about these issues because I have been flat out bored with the whole thing.  I just can't wait until I'm older and run a super huge corporation, go belly-up and have the government just bail me out.  I thought we were capitalist...guess I was wrong.

Hows about that awesome presidential debate last week!! What a yawn!  And if I thought it was boring, it was boring.  How about a candidate that won't bring the same old tired rhetoric to every campaign event...wishful thinking...

I am excited about the VP debate tonight.  It was be entertaining if nothing else.  I hope that Sarah Palin takes Joe Biden down...hilarity will  ensue.  And if she doesn't take him out it will still be funny to watch him stomp all over her.

I just pray she doesn't make Dan Quayle look like a genius.

But enough about pointless stuff, lets talk about me!!

So I am sitting for the LSAT on Saturday morning.  Nervous? Sí Señor.  I am so tired of studying question type after question type...I'm just ready for it to be over.  If I do horribly I can always take it in December I guess.

Sorry this post is so lame, I just don't want to take notes in Russian History :)


Kristen said...

Sissy! It will be over soon! Thinking and praying for you always - Love ya!

A Wondering Wanderer said...

Oh man. Russian History. No wonder you were blogging...

Cat said...
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Cat said...

You know what I was pondering about as I sit in this classroom where I'm supposed to be teaching but instead am checking my email and blogs (don't worry, the children are busy)...A lot of people are ragging on Sarah Palin about how she talks all "hockey-mom-ish" and how that heck is she going to talk w/ foreign leaders like that!?!? but if anybody else was running w/ a different accent like Indian or Mexican or one like my little ghetto babies, would anybody comment on it? Or would we even let somebody w/ an accent like that get as far as Palin has? I think in America, we just assume that people are idiots if they don't talk super white. I just felt like venting. Sorry that your blog had to pay for it.
(and sorry I posted twice, but I didn't proof read til I'd already posted and you know I had to fix me some grammar)