Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jon and Kate Plus Horses

Ummmm has anyone ever noticed that there are horses in like every episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8??  This post is yet another example of me and Cat's conversations extended to the internet world.

Don't get me wrong, I am in love with the show just like everyone else in the world. But seriously, there are horses in every freakin episode.  My question is, why?


Jamie said...

hey julie maxey--lovin' the blog...keep these insights coming :)

Jamie said...

ps--this is jamie (bobbitt) rives (just in case you couldn't tell from the picture) :)

Cat said...

If you keep this blog up, we may never have to directly talk to each other ever again. oh, and I noticed that your profile says you wish you could spend everyday at the beach, but I bet you're excluding 2 fridays ago...

therealjuliemaxey said...

1) Thanks Jamie, you are too kind! Thanks for being one of the 3 people that read my blog!

2) Cat, I have noticed that as well, however, if it becomes our sole source of communication I have a feeling everyone else would give up on trying to figure out our secret code speak.

And you are correct, I would not have been at crystal beach that day. I probably would've tried to be in Hawaii.